This means that you can expect this program to run on any Mac built after April 1984, provided a reasonable level of System software is used, tested on a 512k/sys3.2 and SE/sys 7.0.1
A program under developement!
I said in my 'About╔' Boxes that I would send a postcard from my home town, then, when I went off to buy a postcard, there were none to be had ! So I wrote this trivial little application as a replacement for the usual run of Wild Flower photos with my towns name embossed in one corner.
This is designed to show in the simplest form, how a balloon navigates around the countryside. I've put in some details of each town as you pass them. The object is to Land the Balloon or drop a marker onto the Target site. Don't crash !
This is based on a slab of Western Australia near the state capital, Perth, so you find these places on a map. This will also help you to find the finishing point. An idea of distances ? Perth to Moora - 187 Kms, Moora to Dalwallinu - 85 Kms.
I have not included perspective views of other fancy graphics, but it is to scale and the relative positions of the towns are similar to the real thing. The Icons represent the features of each town.
Chooseing a town from the menu will give you a short note about each place, I've taken some liberty with descriptions and roads but the places are based on their position on the Map. ( some roads in this area are this straight for that long.)
QuickDraw port location 0,0 is taken as 30íS,115íE.
All for now
Paul B Jones
Box 208
Moora 6510
Western Australia.
Tested on 512k 64k ROM Mac system 3.2 and SE 4/20 on System 7.0.1, Windows 3 Users, eat your heart out.